Saturday 29 March 2014

FMP Ideas Feedback

I recently had my peer feedback after presenting my 3 final ideas to my college peers and tutor, the feedback given was very useful but I also wanted more critical feedback which is why each college peer was to comment below on our blogs below my ideas in the comment box.
A few peers mentioned my last idea was my most exciting and how I had done more research on the idea than I did the others.

The idea I was most enthusiastic about was the recreation of great classical films modernised with theatrical makeup.

College peers mentioned that I should try and shoot my models in areas on location that look like the movies for example 'Bugsy Malone' shot in a bar a retro old fashioned bar or cafe.
The Moulin Rouge shoot could be shot in the theatre same as the Chicago movie, this was very good feedback given I am definitely taking these ideas into account.

After my presentation I read through some of the comments posted on my blog and a few college peers like the doll idea more because of the dramatic makeup and one peers gave a good comment of having the doll idea but from different countries so how we portray women as dolls from all different parts of the world. This was a good idea and got me thinking more about it because I was thinking more along the lines of having doll makeup when I first started to think about my FMP but then my tutor convinced me to think broader and wide. Although I have always enjoyed fashion photography I have never pushed the boundaries I have only ever advertised clothing or brands.

Where as now I want to be more over the top and do something I have never done before and that’s when I thought about theatrical makeup.

The idea originally came from visiting Barcelona as part of a college trip and we walked down the main street where you have people dressed up as different characters to earn a bit of money on the street and I saw one character which caught my eye 'Mad Hatter' from Alice and Wonderland and I instantly thought that’s what I want to do, characters from fairy tales for example I was researching how to do the makeup for these characters like Mad Hatter and Queen of Hearts.

Once I had that idea I mentioned to my tutor about it and how I really got excited about the mad makeup but recreating a movie character but she didn’t seem to keen on the idea and helped me create a mind map of different ideas to broaden my mind a bit more and be more creative and creating a final project which will reflect me or be close to me and that when we came up with the recreation idea of movies like Chicago and Moulin rouge because I was a big fan of all the classical films when I was younger also staring in a play at school to Chicago 'dance' that’s why I think I went into more detail with the research when it came to my presentation to the class.

Thursday 20 March 2014

FMP - Final Major Project Ideas

Mind Map:
Great Gatsby
Moulin Rouge
Dolls - Next Top Model
Bugsy Malone
Clock Work Orange
Classic Film Recreated

Need to think about:
Studio or Location
Back drops - Material, High Key, Low Key
Money towards everything needed

Idea 1:
Doll Makeup - Expectations

This is my first idea which all look like there on locations not in studio but taking lighting equipment with them, I'm more interested in the makeup and the detail in the image and how that the women are portrayed as dolls which is like our life expectations at the moment. Women are looking up being perfect doll life like people and being manipulated with the perfect makeup.
The positioning of the models is very important and how there are leant down or sitting down like a doll would be just thrown on the floor or legs are life like or straight.
I want to be more towards fashion with my ideas, and make them more colourful and bold, in my previous shoots I have ever done for fashion has never been for myself it has always just been for advertising clothing and selling the people and there talents or clothing being made I have never created an image just for my self.
I want to take control and direct everything and get that perfect shot and pushing the boundaries and going out of my comfort zone with the striking makeup.

Idea 2:
Black & White Fashion Location

I have done one previous shoot before of fashion on location but originally it was just to sell clothing made for the male audience and to sell clothing made by a friend but I did really enjoy that shoot because what I liked most was finding a location that linked well with the clothing the model was wearing.
I was thinking of having a female models but classing them up and dressing them up as classic ladies but still use young models. To make females who look like they are just models but create them as intellectual hard working women in these photos but i wanted to follow the theme of black and white, no bright colours or mad makeup just simple and soft images all about the location and model working together.

Idea 3:
Recreation of great films with theatrical makeup

Great Gatsby - Carey Mulligan Actress

This is one of the first movies I was looking at for an inspiration of recreating something classic because  this was a film once made in 1974 and now has been created for 2013.
I am interested in the style of clothing that has changed but still looks classic my aim is to recreate this once again for my final major project but jazz up the makeup a lot more, but keep the clothing and hair very similar so it still has a resemblance to the original.
Theatrical makeup is what i had in mind for these styles of shoots when creating images similar to these I have looked at.

Cabaret - Liza Minelli

My plan is to recreate but put my own twist onto it like Willy Wonker and the Chocolate Factory created Charlie and the Chocolate factory, and made it all weird and bright and colourful and makeup and surreal people in the film so I want to do that with the classic film but with images.

Chicago - Catherine Zeta Jones & Renee Zellweger

Clothing is a big thing I am most excited about and being able to resemble the outfits worn in these classic film and the hair to match the theme and style of film.
I need to think about how I am going to get these whether I'm going to have to buy them myself or if i could ask the borrow in which I work and ask to borrow clothing for shoots.

Bugsy Malone - Jodie Foster & Florrie Dugger

The hair is playing a big role in the classic style of film and the jewellery and hats or accessories.
Most of my photos will be taken in the studio so I can have more control of the lighting to make it look a lot more soft and focus on the skin and makeup of the models.

Moulin Rouge - Nicole Kidman

Looking through these images of Nicole Kidman is all about the expression on her face which explains how tragic some part of this classic film was. I still want to create the atmosphere shown in these style of images but still exaggerate the make up in a theatrical way.

I really am going to have to start looking for makeup artist and hair stylist to help me out for this shoot and I am going to start looking for the models i need for these actresses roles they play in these classic films which I personally love and have grown up watching with my mom and not only do I just like the film I once originally performed a show at school to Chicago and Cabaret. 'Dance & Performing Arts'